
Archive for March, 2012

There will be a special program on emergency preparedness held on April 14th at 7 pm at St. Alban’s Church, 4006 Hermitage Road, Richmond VA 23222.

Representatives from Shelf-Reliance, specialists in food storage and emergency preparedness food products and other sustainment items,  will discuss how to:

**Create your own “Home Store” & always have the food you need

**Set up a “PLANNER” to plan how much food your family needs for a given length of time.

**Fit a monthly “Q” into your food budget to order that food and be ready for any emergency.

We will be discussing the 5 Principles of Preparedness

Being prepared to handle any emergency-short or long term, natural or man-made disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, financial meltdown and escalating crime, snd so forth.

1. Self Reliance

Learn self-reliant skills to take care of as many of your needs on your own as you can. Meet with other like-minded people to do what you cannot do.

2. A Year’s Supply

Food Insurance-(like health and car insurance) having a year’s supply on hand gives peace of mind for any emergency

3. Thrift and Frugality

Challenge yourself to see how to see how little you can survive on. Learn to re-use many things and make items have multiple uses.

4. Independence

Can you become independent of electricity, your employer, government programs, etc? The more you are, the better you will survive a financial breakdown or any other emergency.

5. Industrious

Keep busy learning new skills you may need in the future for yourself or to barter.

Being prepared is nothing new. Our grandparents always had food on hand. It was not normal to not be prepared. People were self reliant, bartered their skills, and relied on themselves to take care of their needs. Only in the past few decades have we become more dependent on someone else supplying our food, health care needs, income, and other necessities.

We hope to see you at this important and informative program.

For Reservations : Please call Fr. Nalls at 804-262-6100 or 202-262-5519 or you can e-mail cnalls@canonlaw.org




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For our parish veterans and those who have veterans in their families or among their friends, here is important information.

Stars and Stripes reports that a new study has found that recent U.S. War veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) along with physical pain are often prescribed Morphine and similar powerful painkillers. Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, and drug and alcohol overdoses were all more common in veterans with PTSD who received these drugs. The Department of Veterans Affairs paid for the study, which is based on VA health care data. An abstract of the study is available on the Journal of the American Medical Association website. For complete guides to all veterans benefits, visit the Military.com Benefits Center.  http://www.military.com/military-report/veterans-get-risky-painkillers?ESRC=


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Recent Tornado Damage

The recent tornados in the midwest and south have underscored the importance of basic preparedness for ourselves and families.  Richmond has been no stranger to such events having even experienced an earthquake in the past year.

St. Alban’s and St. Athanasius parishes wil be sponsoring a series of preparedness classes for the public beginning Saturday, April 14th at 7 pm.  Teri Mixer of Shelf-Reliance, a producer of emergency food products, will speak on appropriate measures for “food preparedness” in the event of natural or manmade disasters.  Mrs. Mixer will also discuss long-term food storage as well as the preparation of balanced, tasty and economical meals from freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients.  Shelf-Reliance also provides food to the hungry overseas through donations to its charity Thriving Nations.

Join us for an interesting and informative evening that will increase your family’s safety and awareness in the event of an emergency.

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ImageJoin us on Saturday, March 17th beginning at 9 am (Morning Prayer at 8 a.m.) for a day of reflection, prayer, study and fellowship.  Programs will include meditations on the “Communion of the Saints”, “fasting” and “Lenten Collects” as well as sessions on liturgical music.  Priests will be available to hear Confessions throughout the day i…n the penance chapel, and there will be services of morning and evening prayer as well as the Eucharist.  A registration fee of $12 covers a breakfast and lunch of Lenten fare (vegetable soup, bread, etc.).  For those unable to afford the registration, we will make arrangements for you to join us.

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