
Archive for March, 2015


Holy Eucharist-8:30 a.m.
Adult Study-9:30 a.m.-Study of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity (Meets in Parish Library)
Blessing of Palms-10:45 a.m.
Holy Eucharist-11:00 a.m. (Hospitality follows in Parish Hall)

Holy Eucharist and Healing Service-Noon

Holy Eucharist-6:30 p.m.
Washing of Feet
Stripping of the Altar
Repose of the Blessed Sacrament
Those wishing to keep Vigil at the Altar of Repose are asked to make their Vigil hours known by Wednesday at noon.

Hour the First-Morning Prayer and Litany, First Meditation
Hour the Second-Stations of the Cross, Second Meditation, Veneration of the Cross
Hour the Third-Mass of the Pre-Sanctified, Evening Prayer
These devotions are arranged so that you may take part in all or a portion to allow for work schedules. Please keep silence when entering or leaving the church. At 3:00 p.m., all are to leave in silence.

Holy Eucharist-8:30 p.m.
Lighting of the New Fire and Exultet
The Blessing of the Font
Holy Baptism (if there are candidates)
Litany of the Saints
The Holy Eucharist
Those desiring Baptism are urged to contact the Parish Office not later than 4:00 p.m. on Good Friday.

Festival Eucharist-10:00 a.m.

Matins and Mass-8:00 a.m.

Holy Week Confessions-By appointment with the Rector.

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cuthbert   Today at St. Alban’s we had available for veneration the first class relic of another great English saint, St. Cuthbert the bishop and confessor, as well as that of his biographer St. Bede the Venerable.  St. Cuthbert was Bishop of Lindisfarne, Durham, born about 635; died 20 March, 687. His emblem is the head of St. Oswald, king and martyr which he is represented as bearing in his hands.  He was probably born in the neighborhood of Mailros (Melrose) of lowly parentage, for as a boy he used to tend sheep on the mountain-sides near that monastery. While still a child living with his foster-mother Kenswith his future lot as bishop had been foretold by a little play-fellow, whose prophecy had a lasting effect on his character. He was influenced, too, by the holiness of the community of Mailros, where St. Eata was abbot and St. Basil prior.
In the year 651, while watching his sheep, he saw in a vision the soul of St. Aidan carried to Heaven by angels, and by this became a monk. The troubled state of the country, however, hindered him from carrying out his resolution at once. It is certain that at one part of his life he was a soldier. Probably after a great battle between the Northumbrians and the Mercians at Winwidfield, Cuthbert found himself free once more to turn to the life he desired. He arrived at Mailros on horseback and armed with a spear. Here he soon became eminent for holiness and learning, while from the first his life was distinguished by supernatural occurrences and miracles.
When the monastery at Ripon was founded he went there as guest-master, but in 661 he, with other monks< who adhered to the customs of Celtic Christianity, returned to Mailros owing to the adoption at Ripon of the Roman Usage in celebrating Easter and other matters. Shortly after his return he was struck by a pestilence which then attacked the community, but he recovered, and became prior in place of St. Boisil, who died of the disease in 664. In this year the Synod of Whitby decided in favor of the Roman Usage, and St. Cuthbert, who accepted the decision, was sent by St. Eata to be prior at Lindisfarne, in order that he might introduce the customs into that house.
This was a difficult which needed all his gentle tact and patience to carry out successfully, but the fact that one so renowned for sanctity did much to calm the waters.  At Lindisfarne he spent much time in evangelizing the people. He was noted for his devotion to the Mass, which he could not celebrate without tears, and for the success with which his zealous charity drew sinners to God.
At length, in 676, moved by a desire to attain greater perfection by means of the contemplative life, he retired, with leave, to a spot which identifies with St. Cuthbert’s Island near Lindisfarne. Shortly afterwards he removed to Farne Island, opposite Bamboroughin Northumberland, where he gave himself up to a life of great austerity. After some years he was called from this retirement by a synod of bishops held at Twyford in Northumberland, under St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury. At this meeting he was elected Bishop of Lindisfarne.

St. Cuthbert's Tomb at Durham

St. Cuthbert’s Tomb at Durham

In sharp contrast to so many modern clergy who seem to thirst after mitres, for a long time he withstood all pressure to be consecrated a bishop and only yielded after a lengthy struggle. He was consecrated at York by St. Theodore in the presence of six bishops, at Easter 685. For two years he acted as bishop , preaching and laboring without intermission, with wonderful results. At Christmas, 686, foreseeing the near approach of death, he resigned his see and returned to his cell on Farne Island, where two months later he was seized with a fatal illness. In his last days, in March, 687, he was tended by monks of Lindisfarne, and received the last sacraments from Herefrid, to whom he spoke his farewell words, exhorting the monks to be faithful to Catholic unity and the traditions of the Fathers. He died shortly after midnight, and at exactly the same hour that night his friend St. Herbert the hermit who also died, as St.Cuthbert had predicted


Hymn. Iste Confessor.

HE, the Confessor of the Lord, with triumph, Whom through the whole world celebrate the faithful, He on this festal merited to enter Heavenly mansions.

Pious and prudent, continent and humble, Sober he was, and gentle of behaviour, While in his frame dwelt, animate with action, Earthly existence.

Oft-times, in answer to his supplication, Bodies that sorely ‘neath disease did languish, Gained health, and freedom from the domination, Of pain and anguish.

Wherefore our choir, with willing hymns and anthems, Here, on his feast day, doth him fitting honour; That in his glory we may have our portion, Ever and ever.

Glory and virtue, honour and salvation, Be unto Him That, sitting in the highest, Ordereth meetly earth, and sky, and ocean, Only and Trinal. Amen


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